The Government launches the DDL “MADE IN ITALY” aptalaw 25 July 2023

The Government launches the DDL “MADE IN ITALY”

Made in Italy stamp and stamping hand. Factory, manufacturing and production country concept.

The “Made in Italy” is the protagonist of a new bill, last approved by the Council of Ministers, with the aim of determining the recovery of the country by enhancing the productions of excellence, the historical and artistic beauty and national cultural roots.

For what specifically interests this Newsletter, among the most important innovations introduced by the DDL “Made in Italy” we remember:

1. the introduction of a sovereign fund with an initial budget of 1 billion Euro to promote growth and consolidation of national strategic sectors;

2. the extension of the “3i” Voucher (incentives for the protection of intellectual property), also to start-ups and micro-enterprises for the purchase of consultancy services necessary to enhance and protect inventions in Italy and abroad through their patenting;

4. the creation of an official mark of Italian origin of goods with the term “Made in Italy” for the promotion of intellectual and commercial property of goods produced in the national territory;

5. the use of new technologies, such as the Blockchain, for product traceability useful for consumer information;

6. changes to the system of penalties and the code of criminal procedure for strengthening the protection of Made in Italy.

In particular, financial penalties are increased for the illegal purchase and introduction of counterfeit products and those who hold counterfeit products for sale are punished.

Moreover, the DDL establishes the “National Day of Made in Italy”, fixing it to April 15 of each year (not by chance the anniversary of the birth of Leonardo da Vinci)

This newsletter will of course give an account of the completion of the parliamentary process of approval of the DDL on “Made in Italy”.